
17 April 2011

Nik Freitas/ The Submarines

It was a bizz-ay weekend! Very fun and productive as well! I've been training someone new for the past few days at work and I do most of the writing for my blog at work. (Ssshh, don't tell anyone). So I've been slackin' a little on the ol' blog in order to set a good example.

On Saturday night I went to the Larimer Lounge with my friend Max to check out Nik Freitas and the Submarines. For the record I have to say that I love going to shows when I have no expectations of who I am going to see. All I knew in this case was the Nik Freitas played with the Broken Bells-- so I was in.

Max and I got some beers and listened to Nik Freitas and we were both surprised how few people were there to see him. Everyone else was missing out.

Next up was The Subarines, the crowd was definitely there to see them and some folks were gettin' a little rowdy! I love people watching and we really saw some interesting ones! The band was really fun though and the lead singer kept on talking about how Denver is like a "sister city" to her own town. cute.

So I made a playlist for you guys with some of the songs I liked, Enjoy! Promise it won't be so long for another post ;)
Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones


Speaking of great music my friend Max who I went to the show with just came out with an album. Check him out!  He goes under the name The Maykit and he will be playing a show in good ol' Omaha this weekend. Good luck Max!



  1. Steph -
    I like Nik Freitas, but I LOVE The Submarines. I'd never heard them before. Totally up my alley. Awesome!

  2. I'm glad! I've been listening to them more since the concert, you can stream their latest album off of their website. My favorite track is "birds"- so good!
