
13 May 2011

Happy Friday!

Here's some links:

From S*** my Students write, this had me in a laughing fit today. Okay this one and this one did too. In fact just check out the whole site, I dare you not to pee your pants.

Only in Texas

Plus... Jellies are a thing again! I bought a pair last weekend at DSW. The plasticky shoe smell of my childhood is in the air and I'm loving every minute of it!!

Sitting all day is killing you --- ain't that the truth! I've been taking daily walks to get away from my desk

They're continuing this show? God help us.

Can't wait till this book comes out!

Going to see Portugal the Man this weekend at the Bluebird... can't wait! Last time we tried to go for Amanda's bachelorette and it was sold out and it was my fault. bummer.

Have a lovely weekend!

12 May 2011

Warning: Some of you may find this boring.

But I don't! I got home from Omaha on Monday night and I'm still trying to catch up from my busy weekend! I still need to upload all the pictures from my computer but in the meantime I thought I would share this great article I found from Ashley at Money Talks. If you have time you should check out her blog. She gives great advice on personal finance and Lord knows I need all the help I can get.

Anyway, she wrote a very interesting article on privatizing Social Security. I've always heard how there will be none left for people in my generation but it helps to see why and what might be done to make some changes. It always hurts a little bit when I look at my paystub to see that money being put into a system that doesn't work too well anymore.

So if you have any interest in this, take a look! Check back later, I do plan on posting some pictures from Omaha eventually...

05 May 2011

Guess where I'll be this weekend...

Advertising History
Advertising History by Brandon Addis on Etsy 
I know it sounds like a pretty lame town to some but it's home to me! I'm excited to see my friends and family and be able to spend Mother's Day with my mom.

If you have ever thought about visiting Omaha, I highly reccomend it! Here is a list of some of my favorite spots:

Henry Doorly Zoo
Orpheum Theater
The Old Market
Botanic Gardens
Durham Western Heritage Museum
Joslyn Art Museum
Bemis Center

Johnny Sortino's
La Casa's Pizza (Best pizza in the world...)
Gorat's (You might see Warren Buffett here)
M's Pub
Upstream Brewing Company
Anthony's Restaurant
Caffeine Dreams

Mahoney State Park
Fontenelle Forest

The Slowdown
The Waiting Room

This is by no means an exhaustive list... I just decided to make a little one before I take off. Add more suggestions in the comments! I need to go home and pack my bags then I will be on my way!

Here's the Omaha tourism website

My weekend starts now!

02 May 2011

The Original Hipsters

This made me laugh today, Dads are the Original Hipsters

Your dad ate local fair trade produce before you did and he has dirt under his finger nails to prove it. Your dad had a green thumb and leather tanned neck. He worked in the garden and grew his own food, not because he had to, but because he wanted to. So hipsters, next time you’re asking the waitress if the tomatoes in your salad were ethically grown, locally produced, fair trade, sustainable and if the workers were given a livable wage, remember this…
Your dad was the leader of the eating local trend, he contributed to society and you’re just a giant succubus at the teat of it, who contributes nothing, but feels the need to bitch about everything…
and to conclude this conclusion, grow up hipsters, grow a pair and add something to culture other than shitty art and bad music.

"Your dad ate local fair trade produce before you did and he has dirt under his finger nails to prove it."

Your dad went to dance parties before you did. Long before you were grinding up against some poor hipster girl wearing an American Apparel jazz jumper at a Steve Aoki concert, your dad was showing honey dips his hip swivels. Every move you make, including that slightly hunched arm dangle seizure shake you do, he did first. The only person with more patents on originality is Thomas Edison. 

So hipsters, next time you’re rocking a tank, poppin’ some molly and headed out for the night, remember this…

your dad was the original dancing machine.

P.S. - Take a fucking shower already, you sweat when you dance and I don’t want to have to smell you the next day when I’m trying to enjoy brunch.

"Your dad went to dance parties before you did. Long before you were grinding up against some poor hipster girl wearing an American Apparel jazz jumper at a Steve Aoki concert, your dad was showing honey dips his hip swivels"

Your dad had a mustache before you did. He rocked one the bitching-est lip sweaters on his block. It’s why your mom put out in the back of his El Camino and why her friend Becky wished they would break up. He was awesome and his mustache was original. So next time Movember rolls around, maybe you should stop dousing your pathetic pubic stache in Rogain and call up dad for some lip scarf growing advice.

"Your dad had a mustache before you did. He rocked one the bitching-est lip sweaters on his block."

Its a Beautiful Mornin'!

It's a better world now that Osama Bin Laden is no longer in it!

Lindsay and David had to go back to New Hampshire but I got to spend Saturday with them! We got to do a sisters sleepover on Friday after we ate dinner at Panera and Rachael came over for a 'spa night'. I was really tired so 'spa night' consisted of me watching Lindsay and Rachael paint their nails on my living room floor. We were too sleepy to do our homemade spa facials but we had a good time like we usually do!

The next morning we were ready to wake up early to do the March of Dimes walk. The weather was supposed to be really bad but I woke up at 6:00 and decided we were going. Apparently the rest of my family decided they were not going. Lindsay and I were on our way when we called Rachael and our step-mom Janet who were still sleeping. The wind was crazy and we hadn't even walked one block when Lindsay started walking like a creep. She had blisters on her feet from her new shoes so we decided to turn around and go to breakfast (I still donated money to the March of Dimes for for all they know, I did walk... just in case you were concerned)

Before we went out, Lindsay cleaned my kitchen! I found her doing this:

Thanks again Lindz!

We went to Moe's, I highly recommend it! The place was packed though
We did manage to get some seats and I had the Denver breakfast sandwich and my daily dose of caffeine

Lindsay likes to model

I was a little messy with my sandwich. Then we realized that I got onion on The Onion
 After a little brekkie, we decided to do some thrifting! I love the thrill of the hunt!

Here's what I picked up. I feel like I tell people this all the time but I love going to thrift stores for books. I always find some great stuff and I think I only spend about $15.00 on all of these books. You don't go to find what you're looking for, but every once and a while you can pick up some good stuff. This reminded me of a post I just read on one of my favorite blogs, Budgets Are Sexy. J. Money wrote a great post about thrift stores and how some people think only poor people should shop there. I would love to hear your thoughts and I think you know what side of the fence I'm on!

Lindsay got David a mini hockey game and I thought it was too hilarious not to take a picture of. David missed out on the thrifting because he and my Dad went to the shooting range that morning.

p.s. Stella got a haircut! She looks like she's missing her legs in this photo but I swear they're still there.

01 May 2011

Spring Break

Yeah right, I wish I still got a Spring Break. I sort of felt like I was on vacation though even though I did have to work. My younger brother and sister were in town on Spring Break from New Hampshire! We had a lot of fun this past week, I miss them already.

When the Selden kids get together, we get a little crazy. I should have taken more pictures.. I didn't get any with Miss Rachael

Sorry in advance for the poor quality of the pictures, need a new camera!
David and I at church on Easter
Lindsay looking lovely... so excited for Spring!
We went bowling.. kind of our tradition. Next time we need to remember to go to the happy hour bowling, we went at about five and it was pricey... but worth it
Lindz had a split
Me, kicking their butts
Good form David!
Someone likes to make fun of my cellular telephone

Nice shewz.

Can you see that? I bowled 100. boo-ya

The jukebox

I thought you wanted to be a Veterinarian?

 Played a little pool too!

Smashburger.. yum
We went to see Limitless after that which was pretty good. Got a little crazy at the end but I would wait for it to come out on Redbox.

More to come!