I swear this is the last post on Chicago. I bet you're all thinking, "Enough already! I'm sick of it! SICK OF IT"
Well, too bad. I've got a few more up my sleeve so here you go:
Don't ask
The chips that I later gave to a homeless man and the Chicago dog that was delicious.
We had a few extra hours to kill so we stopped in the Art Institute for a little while and I'm so glad we did! Not only am I still getting away with using my student ID for discounts, I also got to see some great works of art I never thought I would in real life.
Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
Van Vogh's Self Portrait (the 1887 one... in case you were wondering)
Van Gogh's Bedroom in Arles
I kept thinking "Who is this man? His beard is very sensual." I can't remember the artist, but if you want to zoom in and find out that's fine with me. I would prefer it to be a mystery.
A model by the architect, Bertrand Goldberg, of my favorite buildings in Chicago, Marina City. You can LIVE there! Who wouldn't want to?! (Not actually there- what is that? A city for ants? No, there's actual buildings)
I got in trouble for taking this picture so I hope you appreciate it.
The end.